What are Neurological Disorders In Children? Treatment For Neurological Disorder in Children in Andhra Pradesh

It’s a devastating reality that many children suffer from neurological disorders, which can have a lasting impact on their lives. While there is no “one size fits all” approach to treating neurological disorders in children, there are several strategies and treatments that are used at Manvi Hospitals in Vijayawada to help these children manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. In this blog, Neurologists at Manvi Hospitals will explain the types, causes, symptoms, and treatment of neurological disorders in children. What are neurological disorders? A neurological disorder is a disease that affects the nervous system. Usually, neurological problems in children can be diagnosed & occur as birth defects or during a child’s later years of development. Common types of Neurological Disorders in Children? ● Autism Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that means impaired social interaction, impaired communication abilities along with repetitive behavior patterns. ● Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) ADHD patients are often impulsive or hyperactive, have trouble paying attention, and are easily distracted. ● Dyspraxia Kids with this disorder have trouble coordinating their physical movements. ● Dyslexia It refers to the learning disability in kids where they find complications or difficulty in reading, writing, etc. ● Cerebral Palsy This is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the motor skills of a child & is provoked by brain damage that arises before or during birth. It usually comes up during pregnancy when the fetus doesn’t evolve properly or develops brain damage. Rightful treatment and therapies can help improve the situation. Common causes of neurological disorders in children? The causes of neurological disorders in children are wide-ranging and may be unknown in some patients. However, certain factors increase the likelihood of a child developing a neurological disorder. ● Genetics plays a large role in many neurological disorders, & family history may provide some insight into risk factors. ● Environmental factors include exposure to toxins and infections, as well as lifestyle choices. ● Immunizations – For example, the tetanus vaccine can cause a disorder called brachial palsy. ● A disorder with an unknown cause is termed “idiopathic.” Symptoms of neurological disorders? Each condition has distinctive symptoms. While the symptoms of each may vary, here are some typical symptoms of neurological disorders in children: 1. Problems with movement 2. Problems with communication 3. Problems with memory 4. Sleep disorders Medication for Neurological Issues in Children Each neurological disorder embodies itself differently in different children. The right medication can help manage children’s neurological disorders, reduce symptoms, and improve their quality of life. A diagnosis with Manvi Hospital’s Neurologists in Andhra Pradesh at an early stage prevents further complications. However, the type of medication needed for the treatment will depend on the severity of the condition & disorder. Some conditions can be cured & some can only be managed. Parents need to be aware of any unusual symptoms their children display and listen to their concerns. Seeking a medical perspective in the case of suspicion is always advisable. At Manvi Hospitals in Vijayawada, our neurology experts strive to create a compassionate and welcoming environment for our patients and their family. No one knows your child better than you, which is why we consider you a vital part of the neurological disorder treatment process. Book an appointment online from the Manvi Hospitals website, or call on 9391176126, 0866 – 243 8999, 243 8998.

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